Thursday, November 29, 2007

Meeting Minutes November 29th, 2007

House Meeting Notes - Wednesday November 29, 2007

M~ G: Question: Where is John going to fit in, how, or if?
H: Back feeling better, insulation holes patched and painted, wheelbarrow
painted. Braces need to be installed on barn. Possibly Monday,
Tuesday as weather permits.

J~ G: Whole surgery ordeal. Money situation. Bounced check from Nick & Melissa.
Mainly money gripes.
H: Surgery is over. Chickens are in the chicken moat. We finished double
digging. Baby chick is doing well. The barn is coming together.
Ralph is coming over to fix the boiler. Found a boiler for 450$.
The floor board heaters will be working.

B~ G: We haven't been doing our chores as much as we could be. When ladies come over
it's kind of embarrassing. Money flow is definitely in the red.
H: I got a job with Global Culture of Women transcribing stories from around the world.
My Mercedes is working. Band practice every Tuesday!

Chores (rotation, etc.):

M: Bathroom, common laundry & laundry room.
J: Commons, trash, & porch.
B: Kitchen

B: Note taking, Website. Mushroom Inoculation video is almost finished.
J: House accounting: We're doing well. J owed money for insulation, etc. Accounting is up to
date. M needs to put in his receipts, by next week. For water, have self written receipt with
date and cost, deducted from next months dues. Check bounced from Nick, Melissa, and Travis
M: Action theatre pictures. Harmony & blessings avenue on garden path. Spackling needed in upstairs commons, also bedrooms. Barn coming along. Braces at rafters will be installed weather permitting. Shelves in laundry room. Talk with daughter to find potential roommate

Last House Meeting Notes: approved.

Old Business & Reminders:
1) Shelves have been installed on front porch.

Ongoing Business:
1) Chin-up bar. Postponed until spring? Ideas still welcome.
2) Stencil art in bathroom. J & B
3) Shelves in Laundry Room for Food Grade Buckets.
4) Concrete Mixer price estimates?
5) We need to fill the big room. J still posting to craigslist.
7) Cob Wall, foundation, etc.

New Business:
1) Worm bin workshop. No trash (i.e plastic, industrial) Paper okay. Don't pack in or compress, etc.
2) High utility bill. Excel raised their rates. Our utility bill is actually exceptionally low.
3) Egg count: Let's start an egg count to asses cost effectiveness of eggs. Posted chart on fridge.
4) B intern extension. Double digging, garden paths, composting North & South Zone II. Clay should be delivered soon for Cob Wall. Before that, foundation needs to be set for wall.
5) JK. A little hesitant about him staying much longer. Worried about food payment.
Especially with Nick, Travis, & Melissa situation makes J more skeptical about guests.
You have to pay to stay here as extended guest. J and JK have conflict. JK is not an
approved member of the co-op. J puts proposal for JK to leave. M agrees totally. Has
to pay before he's invited back. He's not better than anyone else. J does not feel overall house
compatibility with JK. Money, space, personality match. Proposal for JK to be gone in
36 hours, by Friday evening. B does not block consensus.

Next House Meeting:
December 2, 2007 7:00p.m

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